vendredi 25 novembre 2005

I passed my driving exam!!!

I wished so much to get the driving license and now I have solved the exam (practical part) about 12:10 (more or less). Well, I have gone to exam with other girl who hasn’t passed the exam. She committed a mistake in a roundabout, invading the preference of a van which was circulated in it, so the examiner said her to stop. Then I took the steering-wheel and made the correct adjustments (mirrors, seat and belt). I had to drive in the sector of my Secondary School (Instituto), so I knew the zone perfectly, in spite of the cars in double row, and near to Juan Pedro's house (an old friend), the examiner told me to park. I did it more or less right and then he said me to go to the DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico, the Traffic Examination Point). Driving-teacher (Ana María) was so serious about us, because I ran a bit (but always in the limits) and had a rude driving during the exam (understandable so I was very nervous) but I had an acceptable control of the vehicle at all moment.

After that, the examiner told us the qualification. María knew it but I had doubts about it, even though I believed in the result (everything depends on the cult figure of the examiner). He was so cool with his old-fashioned dark glasses and his DGT coat. Then, Ana said the final result and María started to cry so I only could outline a shy smile. Due to my joy I forgot my exam justification and I had to ask for one in the Driving School. Yesterday, company told me a lot of apologies because I wanted to take the day-off for give a class before the exam.

Now, I have new projects in mind and this week I will start to prepare them. Nowadays, the most important is improving my English so I will search intensive courses in these days.

Have a nice weekend. Cheerio!!

5 commentaires:

Tomás a dit…

enhorabuena, campeón.. a ver cuando me llevas a dar un rulo..
por cierto no dejes de conducir, que yo lo he dejado un tiempo, y ahora mismo no me atrevo a coger un coche.. pero por lo menos te lo has quitado de encima.

pa cuando el ferrari?

Anastasia a dit…

Pues mejor que no conduzcas con él al lado, que a mí ahora me tiene mártir sacándome todos los defectos.
Yo casi que le voy a dejar conducir siempre para no oírle.-)))

ELGAINE a dit…

No es para tanto, pero es que tendrías que ver a Anamer haciendo glorietas...

Lo malo es que tarda un mes, pero en lo de no dejarlo estoy. Cogeré el coche de mi padre las veces que me sea posible.

Tomás a dit…

Anastasia, eso mismo decía Marina, que era un pesado que le sacaba todos los fallos!
pero claro, el que va de copiloto ( a rassss) lo tiene más fácil pa fijarse en todo...

yo me dejo llevar.. así ando, acojonao si tengo que coger un coche..

Cisne Negro a dit…

¡Enhorabuena! :) Un saludo!