mercredi 29 août 2007

Looking for a used car (but not a lemon).

As some of you know, I am looking for a car. I think it was time to motorize myself so I am using web and visiting car-dealers, but there are a lot of picaresque in this sector. For example, when you see cars with a good relation price-quality, I don’t know if it’s casual or not but they were sold few days ago and the dealers began to talk about other cars, all of them more expensive. But all I need for now it’s a cheap car for a start because I have lost expertise driving.

In so far as other things, I am resting and doing really nothing. I would like to travel to everywhere but it’s going to be difficult.

Finally and in the long run, I only must say to enjoy the summer as better as you can.

lundi 27 août 2007

Unpredictable period as unemployed.

Last Friday was my last day working. Now, it begins a new but uncertain period without job although I need some days to rest and think about future. I don’t know what to think exactly about this “labour experience” because it’s necessary time to see things with perspective but you can read my opinions in former posts. Anyway, I am happy to end it and I have illusion to get another better.

Respecting to holidays, it’s probably I remain few days resting and planning some kind of fast-travel but it’ll depend on job-hunting and so. Life as jobless man doesn’t permit luxuries like one or two weeks of holidays because your job now is to find the better job you can find. Anyway, I hope not to end like this guy.

Well, enjoy these summer days.

lundi 13 août 2007

(Almost) Empty department.

While we are four in the department, we’re enjoying our solitude. No bosses, no witches neither so many phone calls. We work relaxed and we have time and desire for little chats: I was informed about a lot of gossips from the department people but I don’t really mind because I will go soon although that confirms me they’re authentically a pack of hypocrite bastards. Besides, I have a very good relation with the new guy and hours pass fastest than ever chatting about funny subjects and database’s problems.

Referring to job-hunting, it seems to be early yet for interviews. I check jobs in internet and other ways but there’s nothing interesting: poor jobs with poor salaries. And in the bank, they offer me more substitutions but I don’t know what to do in this respect because I am not interested in short-term jobs without job career. So, I don’t know what to do but soon I will write.

Finally, I only have to wish a good season to all you. Enjoy the summer before the economic crisis begins!!!

Elgaine de Balliers.