Firstly, happy new year for everybody!!! I hope the best for the entire World in 2007 but there are increasing problems here in
I’m happy because Christmas has finished. This Christmas has been quite boring for me although it’s got some good things. The most important one is my new job. As almost all of you know, I’m working in the Accounting Department in an American company. It’s not related with my master skills but it’s a quite good job: the labour environment seems cordial, the wage is ok for a start, I think I’m gonna learn a lot about accountancy and finance (that could be interesting for another jobs), I’m gonna practice my English (but so much for now) and I expect training and knowledge’s up-dates. I hope all these things can be materialized soon. But there are a dark side: I think I’ll never work in something related to Foreign Trade. I had not so much options when I arrived and I was trying to get a job, but probably it wasn’t the best period for that. I was almost hired by Cortefiel but past passed invoice and probably it was a mistake not to design a special CV for this occasion and not to call Iker (the worst error). Last train? No more opportunities? I don’t know but anyway, who knows destiny? Now, I’ve got a job and this could be a better position to get another one but no rush.
I don’t have new formal targets for 2007. I accomplished the most important goal but there were another out of my reach. I’ll take this period like a quiet time. There will be no more rush for now.
Bye for now and take care.
Elgaine de Balliers.
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