jeudi 23 octobre 2008

En tournant le Français!

En mettant à profit que j’ai terminé le cours de qualité, maintenant je peux étudier un peu d'un Français puisque j'aimerais de se présenter aux examens de l'École de Langues. Cela va être difficile mais je vais le tenter et dans n'importe quel cas ce ne sera pas une perte du temps.

En parlant d'autres choses, la situation de travail apparaît noire mais rien n’est impossible et je meus tous les fils que je peux. Finalment, ils ne nous ont pas nommés ceux-là de l'entreprise et maintenant il faut chercher dans tous les endroits possibles.

Et bon, au’jour d’hui est Jeudi et le weekend est presque ici.

Ainsi, oubliez la crise et de profiter de votre vie!


Elgaine de Balliers.

samedi 18 octobre 2008

An unexpected night.

Yesterday we celebrated the end of the course of Quality Management. We went to small restaurant near Academy where we spoke about the funny (and perhaps not so funny like Joe Anthony, “the buddy”) aspects and incidents during this time. Food and ambient was excellent and everything seemed perfect. When we finished, some of us (Danko, Glory, Eugene, Antonius, Mer and her husband) went home while the rest went to the Archery, a pub nearby the restaurant. It was a good time and our alcohol rate was increasing drink by drink. We breathed joy and good vibes in a relaxed ambient.

Then, we went to Avalon, a famous disco near hospital and there we said goodbye to Cross who had to go home (with her children and devoted husband). At that point, we were only four. With more alcohol, we started to speak about ourselves more openly and secret loves in our class. Very interesting!!

When it was six (I though it was...), we went to BLN’s car when she realized she had lost her keys (car’s and house’s): a commotion. She called the crane and when it arrived, the man could not do anything to open it, so he suggested us to break a car’s window. It was almost surrealistic when we were trying to break the window and everybody was seeing us with stupefaction. Finally, we though it was better to call a locksmith in order to open her home’s door. We went to her house in my car and we were almost sleeping until the locksmith arrived. He opened the garage’s door and I saw the conclusive evidence about my suspicions (I can’t say more about this).

Well, probably this the beginning of a long-time friendship based in secrets and strange events but let's hope everything turns out all right (it could be funny if more people of the course could find this weblog).

Just finishing, only wish a happy weekend.

Elgaine de Balliers.

lundi 13 octobre 2008

Back to English, back to Elgaine de Balliers.

Well, I don’t have so much time to write in French so I find easier to express myself in my limited English.

Excuses for my tardiness but I was (or even am) in period of inaction. Life has always got these kinds of moments and a summer in your ancestor’s land is probably the best exercise for soul and spirit. Now it’s time of action.

About new events, I am anxiously waiting for Rick’s wedding. It’s going to be a happy life mark for the rest because that gives us something to think about our lives in that respect.

And not so much to say. I would like to say some interesting about me but sadly, there’s nothing noticeable (for now).

See you soon pals!!

Elgaine de Balliers.